What is allulose?
Allulose (also called psicose) is a low calorie sugar that has the taste and texture of sugar, but without the calories. Allulose is often referred to as a “rare sugar” due to its discovery in small quantities in nature.
How can allulose have so few calories?
Allulose is not recognized by the body as a carbohydrate and is not metabolized as energy, so it has a negligible amount of calories.
Why use allulose?
Many are looking to manage calories and one way is to reduce the calories from sugar by looking for foods and beverages using no, low and reduced calorie sweetening ingredients, such as allulose. In the 2012 Food & Health Survey, almost half of consumers are considering whether foods have low calorie sweeteners, and of this group, 73 percent want these sweeteners for calorie control.
In addition, due to allulose’s ability to replicate the technical functions of sugar in products like ice cream and baked goods, manufacturers are turning to this non-nutritive sweetener when reformulating to reduce sugar.
Does allulose taste like sugar?
Yes, it has a texture and performance behavior similar to sugar, that consumers can feel and taste.
Is allulose safe?
Yes. Allulose has received Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Based on FDA guidance, people of all ages can enjoy allulose in foods and beverages.
How many calories can I save by selecting products sweetened with allulose?
Allulose has 90% fewer calories than sugar. The amount of calories you save in a product will vary depending on how much sugar is being replaced.
Can allulose help me control my weight?
As part of an overall healthy diet, low calorie foods and beverages can help control calories — it is the “calories in versus calories out” equation. The fewer calories that come in, the fewer that have to be burned off in daily activity. Just be sure not to overcompensate by spending the calories you saved on one meal or item by overeating in other areas.
Where can I find allulose?
Allulose is continuing to grow in the market. While you can find it on shelves in products like protein bars, it is now also being sold online.
What is allulose record on tolerance in the gut?
Researchers found allulose to be well tolerated without causing any gastrointestinal symptoms.
What is allulose impact on glycemic response?
Researchers found allulose to have no impact on blood glucose levels. While some allulose is absorbed, it is not metabolized.
Does allulose cause me to crave other sweets?
A multitude of studies have shown that the consumption of low calorie sweeteners does not cause cravings for more sweets. In 2012, six studies alone — published in the Journal of Nutrition and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition — refuted claims that low calorie sweeteners cause cravings.